Caixabank Bolsa Selección Emergente Estándar FI
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General Objective
The fund belongs to the Fund of Funds category with a focus on international equities. The management objective is to track the performance of the MSCI Emerging Net Total Return Index (NDUEEGF) for informational or comparative purposes.
Fund Exposure
The fund primarily invests in investment funds specialized in emerging regions, including those within the CaixaBank group, with a maximum of 20% in a single fund. The exposure to equities will represent more than 75% of the portfolio, with over 75% of that invested in securities from emerging market issuers across regions like Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The fund also has exposure to currency risk exceeding 30%.
The fund may invest in assets that introduce higher risk compared to other investments, such as liquidity, issuer type, or investor protection level. Additionally, the fund may use derivatives for hedging and investment purposes, as well as invest up to 35% in securities issued or guaranteed by EU states, Autonomous Communities, Local Entities, and International Organizations of which Spain is a member.