Goldman Sachs Global Energy Equity - R Cap EUR
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General Objective
The fund aims to invest in energy companies worldwide, including those involved in oil and gas exploration, production, refining, transportation, and energy equipment and services. The portfolio is diversified across countries, and active management is used to target companies that score well according to their systematic investment process.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to the energy sector, with investments in oil, gas, and consumable fuels, as well as energy equipment and services. The fund uses active management to select companies based on fundamental and behavioral data, integrating ESG factors into their stock selection process. The fund aims to beat the performance of the benchmark MSCI World Energy 10/40 (NR) by maintaining stock and sub-sector deviation limits relative to the benchmark.
Investors should be aware that the fund's investment universe is concentrated, leading to a comparable composition and return profile of the fund and its benchmark. The overall market risk associated with stocks and financial instruments used to reach the investment objective is considered high. Factors such as financial market development, economic conditions, and currency fluctuations can impact the fund's performance. Additionally, investments in a specific sector are more concentrated and there is no guarantee of the recovery of the initial investment.