KBC Equity Fund - Europe Classic Cap
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General Objective
KBC Equity Fund Europe aims to generate a return by investing at least 75% of its assets in the shares of European companies. The fund is actively managed with reference to the MSCI Europe-Net Return index, although it does not aim to replicate the benchmark.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to European companies across all sectors, with the composition of the benchmark taken into account when compiling the portfolio. The manager may also decide to invest in instruments not included in the benchmark or not to invest in instruments that are included. The benchmark is used to assess performance and determine the fund's risk limitation mechanism, with a long-term expected tracking error of 3.00%.
KBC Equity Fund Europe may make limited use of derivatives to achieve investment objectives or neutralize the portfolio's sensitivity to market factors. Market conditions may cause the actual tracking error to differ from the expected tracking error. Additionally, investors can choose between capitalization units or distribution units, with orders for fund units executed daily.