Kutxabank Renta Fija Corto FI
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve returns that closely track the performance of a specific index composed of 50% Spanish Public Debt and 50% Spanish Treasury Bills with a one-year maturity.
Fund Exposure
The fund invests 100% of its total exposure in fixed income securities, both public and private, from OECD issuers and markets. These assets must have a high credit quality (minimum rating of A-) or equivalent to that of the Kingdom of Spain at any given time. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 25% of its total exposure in medium credit quality assets (up to BBB-) or lower, in case of exceptional market circumstances.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include credit risk, interest rate risk, currency risk (limited to 10% of total exposure), and the potential impact of credit rating downgrades on the portfolio. In exceptional market conditions, the fund manager may exceed the credit quality limits to protect the fund's assets.