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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth through a positive performance of the assets held in the fund. It follows an active investment approach with at least 51% of its value invested in equities. The fund is regionally focused and utilizes a computer program developed in-house to select and allocate assets within different regional modules.
Fund Exposure
The fund primarily invests in equities from around 9,000 companies in the Asia-Pacific region. The investment process focuses on identifying undervalued stocks based on factors such as cash flows, P/E ratio, dividend yield, momentum, and leverage. The fund follows a value-oriented investment style with a focus on equal weighting of individual stocks within each module to diversify risks systematically.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include market risk, currency risk, and the potential impact of derivative transactions. The fund may also face risks related to the selection and performance of individual stocks, as well as the overall portfolio structure. Additionally, the lack of a suitable index for measuring the stock selection process may pose a challenge in evaluating the fund's performance against a benchmark.