Man Income Fund Retail Income Shares (Class B)
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General Objective
The Fund aims to generate a level of income above the FTSE All Share Total Return Index over a 1-year rolling period and to outperform the index over the long-term, specifically over 5-year rolling periods.
Fund Exposure
The Fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in UK equities, either based in the UK, conducting a significant portion of business in the UK market, or listed on a UK stock exchange. Additionally, the Fund may invest in American Deposit Receipts (ADR), other equity linked instruments, money market securities, government and corporate bonds, convertible bonds, preferred shares, and other fixed income investments. The Investment Adviser will actively manage the Fund, seeking undervalued companies trading below their tangible asset value or with undervalued profit streams.
The Fund may use financial derivative instruments extensively for efficient portfolio management and to hedge against market movements. Investors with a short-term investment horizon of less than 5 years may not find this Fund suitable. Income earned on investments will be reinvested into the Fund.