Ofi Invest ESG Euro High Yield IC
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to achieve performance, net of fees, above that of the Merrill Lynch Euro Non-Financial Fixed & Floating Rate High Yield Index, calculated in euros, over the recommended investment horizon.
Fund Exposure
The Fund's strategy is to constitute a portfolio mainly exposed to the Euro High Yield credit markets risk ("speculative" category). It invests in High Yield bonds denominated in euros issued by private enterprises in OECD countries, or in forward financial instruments of the credit derivative type (CDS, CDS Indices) with high credit risk. Active management is structured around a "bottom up" approach for security selection and "top down" for portfolio optimization.
The Fund is exposed to credit risk associated with investing in High Yield bonds and credit derivative instruments. There is also market risk associated with fluctuations in interest rates and credit spreads. Additionally, the Fund may be subject to liquidity risk, as investments in certain securities may be difficult to sell at a desired price or time.