Premier Miton Liberation No. V A accumulation
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained.
Fund Exposure
The Fund aims to achieve its objective by investing in different asset classes and underlying investments directly and indirectly through collective investment schemes, including equities, fixed income, property, alternative investments, structured investments, deposits, cash, and near cash. The Fund will be invested in a globally diversified portfolio covering different asset classes.
There is a risk of loss to the original capital invested, and the income and capital growth from the Fund may be constrained due to maintaining a specific risk profile within defined volatility parameters. The Fund may invest in derivatives, warrants, and forward transactions for investment purposes as well as for efficient portfolio management, including hedging.