Premier Miton Monthly Income A accumulation
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Income is paid monthly as dividend distributions.
Fund Exposure
The Fund will invest a minimum of 80% of its assets in shares of companies listed in the UK. Up to 20% of the Fund may be invested in other investments including listed company shares in other geographical regions, fixed income, convertible bonds, deposits, cash, and near cash. The Fund is expected to hold between 40 and 60 individual investments, which will be diversified across a range of different industries, sectors, and different sized companies.
The Fund is actively managed, meaning the Fund Manager will manage and adapt the portfolio depending on their assessment of the broad economic environment and market conditions. However, there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested, and the Fund may not achieve its objective over any specific time period.