UBS Global Equity Climate Transition Fund C Acc
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General Objective
The UBS Global Equity Climate Transition Fund aims to grow the value of your investment over the medium to long term (3 to 5 years) while also focusing on metrics related to climate change, overall ESG scores, and alignment with specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The fund aims to have a better exposure relative to the MSCI World Index at rebalance.
Fund Exposure
The Fund invests at least 80% in equities of companies worldwide and uses the Benchmark as a reference point when constructing the portfolio. It predominantly invests in companies included in the Benchmark, subject to climate, sustainable, and risk criteria. The Fund aims to be net zero aligned by managing its carbon intensity profile following a science-based net zero pathway.
Investors should be aware that the Fund may have exposure to companies considered as laggards in terms of climate change and sustainability metrics due to portfolio risk management, liquidity risk, diversification, voting and engagement programs, or differences in methodologies. Additionally, investors may be exposed to changes in the exchange rate between the Fund's assets and GBP, which can impact returns. This Fund may not be suitable for investors planning to withdraw their money within 5 years.