Healthy Living and Sustainable Investing

How Our Lifestyles Impact Health and Wealth with Alyssa Cornuz - Robeco"

Healthy Living and Sustainable Investing

In this episode of What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You, we dive into a fascinating intersection of healthy living and sustainable investing. Our guest is Alyssa Cornuz, a portfolio manager at Robeco with a deep passion for promoting both physical health and financial wellbeing. With a background in equity research and a focus on investments that align with healthy lifestyles, Alyssa offers valuable insights into how our health behaviors can shape not only our bodies but also the future of healthcare systems and investment strategies.

Key Takeaways from the Episode:

1. Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle with Busy Schedules

Alyssa kicked off the conversation by acknowledging how challenging it can be to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially in today’s fast-paced world. She noted that while most of us are busy, implementing healthy habits isn’t as difficult as it seems. For instance, exercising just five hours a week, as recommended by experts, leaves plenty of time for other responsibilities in the 168-hour week.

However, Alyssa also recognized the difficulty of making healthier food choices when we’re bombarded with processed, sugary options in supermarkets. She’s no stranger to the temptation of heading straight for the chocolate aisle but encourages small, consistent changes, emphasizing their potential to improve both personal health and society’s productivity.

2. Corporate and Government Responsibility in Promoting Health

While individual responsibility plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Alyssa highlighted the importance of corporate and governmental interventions. Governments, she pointed out, have started taxing sugary foods and issuing guidelines to limit the consumption of highly processed products.

At the corporate level, companies are under increasing pressure to reformulate their products to meet healthier standards. Alyssa stressed the role investors play in this, as shareholders and consumers can push for positive changes within the food manufacturing industry. This dynamic relationship is key to encouraging corporations to offer healthier options.

3. The Intersection of Investment and Health

As a portfolio manager, Alyssa is committed to investing in companies that actively contribute to healthier lifestyles. She mentioned that her investment strategy focuses on firms that prioritize health, whether through better nutrition or effective healthcare solutions. However, it’s not an easy field; only a handful of food manufacturers currently meet her high standards for health-conscious portfolios.

Alyssa shared how she and her colleagues regularly engage with companies to push them toward healthier offerings. In one instance, she had a lengthy conversation with an investee company about reformulating products to meet stricter health guidelines. This kind of engagement is essential to driving change in the industry.

4. Preventative Measures and a Holistic Approach

Alyssa’s investment strategy isn’t just about treating diseases; it’s about preventing them. She believes in a holistic approach that includes not only healthcare but also physical activity, good hygiene, and nutrition. By focusing on prevention, her strategy aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which aims to reduce non-communicable diseases.

Her fund invests in everything from health insurance companies to firms conducting clinical research, ensuring a broad approach to healthcare. By looking at both prevention and treatment, Alisa and her team are tackling health from all angles.

5. Managing Stress and Personal Health Hacks

Toward the end of our conversation, Alyssa shared her personal health hacks. She pointed out that while physical exercise is essential, mental health benefits are equally important. For her, managing stress through activities like running, yoga, and meditation is key to maintaining balance in a demanding career.

6. Looking Ahead: Opportunities in Health-Focused Investments

When asked about the future, Alyssa is optimistic about the opportunities emerging in health-conscious investing. As consumers become more aware of what they’re putting into their bodies, companies that cater to healthier diets and lifestyles are set for growth. This trend opens up new categories in the food industry, particularly those focusing on nutritious, minimally processed products.

Alyssa also touched on an exciting area of mental health research involving microdosing and its potential to treat conditions like PTSD and anxiety. While her fund currently doesn’t invest in this area, she sees its promise, particularly if guidelines and standardization improve.

Final Thoughts

Alyssa’s perspective offers an inspiring and refreshing take on the role of both individuals and corporations in shaping a healthier future. Her investment approach, which bridges prevention, treatment, and a holistic view of health, is not just forward-thinking, but necessary. As more people become conscious of the impact of lifestyle on long-term health, investment strategies like hers will continue to grow in relevance.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of healthcare, sustainable investing, or simply maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re an investor looking for opportunities in the health space or someone trying to balance work and wellbeing, Alisa’s insights are valuable and actionable.

If you have any questions for Alyssa or want to share your thoughts, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also leave comments on the various platforms where our podcast is available. Stay tuned for more conversations that dig deep into the intersection of finance, health, and sustainability.


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