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Apple Inc

NASDAQ (2024-07-26)
UMushroom community rating:
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4.6536 votes
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Recommendation: Sell (3)Hold (12)Buy (32)
Target price: USD 226.24Upside potential: 3.80%
About Apple Inc

Apple Inc. is a global technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, known for its innovation in consumer electronics, software, and services. Its product lineup includes the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV, alongside software platforms like iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Apple also offers a range of services, including Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and the Apple Card, a credit service facilitated in partnership with Goldman Sachs. The company emphasizes its trade-in program, which encourages customers to recycle their old devices in exchange for credit towards new purchases. Apple's business model integrates hardware sales with digital content and services, aiming to provide a seamless ecosystem for its users. Additionally, Apple hosts annual events such as the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) to showcase new software and technology advancements.

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What are bonds?
Bonds are fixed-income securities with a predetermined annual interest rate and maturity. Bonds are generally considered lower-risk investments whose interest rate depends on the credit rating of the issuer and the time to maturity. At the end of the term, the original investment amount is paid back to the lender.

What are ETFs?
ETFs are exchange-traded funds. They are traded like shares during trading hours and belong to the group of funds that aim to track an index. They offer a return as close to the benchmark index as possible. They are passively managed and, unlike active funds, incur no expensive fees for fund management.

How does the stock exchange work?
The stock exchange brings together buyers and sellers of shares. You can think of the stock exchange as an auction where buyers and sellers place their bids. The asking price is the price at which sellers are willing to sell. The price the buyers are willing to pay is called the bid price. The difference between the two prices is called the spread.

What is a fund?
You can imagine a fund as a pool of money committed for a specific purpose. This purpose can range from professional investing to a renovation fund for your apartment building. Investment funds use the money collected to buy a selected basket of shares, for example. By investing in an investment fund, you, as an investor, also hold shares in the stocks it contains. Investment funds are either active or passive. Active funds attempt to achieve a higher return than the index they follow through active management. Passive funds usually only track the index they follow to perform almost identically.

What is a stock?
A stock is a share in a company that makes you a partial owner of the company in proportion to the number of shares you own.