SPDR® Bloomberg 1-5 Year Gilt UCITS ETF (Dist)
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General Objective
The objective of this fund is to track the performance of the UK Government bond (Gilt) market for securities with a short-term maturity of between 1 and up to (but not including) 5 years.
Fund Exposure
The fund primarily invests in securities included in the Barclays Capital UK Gilt 1-5 Year Index, which includes public (government) obligations of the United Kingdom with a maturity between 1 and up to (but not including) 5 years. The fund seeks to hold all the securities of the Index with approximate weightings as in that Index.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include concentration risk, index tracking risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk. These risks may impact the value of the fund's investments and the ability to buy or sell certain investments in difficult market conditions.