Make investing your new habit

You do not have to go through heaps of financial information on your own. Let us help you to become the investor you desire to be and to make investing your new habit.
Everything you need as an investor in one course
Learn to think like a successful investorMaster your mind and overcome your fears. Get familiar with the core principles of successful investors.
Unlock the power of the full range of investmentsGrasp the pros and cons of the asset classes and financial instruments and learn how to use them.
Build and manage your personal portfolioLearn from the experts how to build and manage your portfolio over time in different market environments.
What students are saying
Jessica Gilliard
Der Kurs ist schön gestaltet mit dem Menü zur einfachen Navigation. Der Text unter dem Video ist sehr gut geschrieben und macht neugierig! Eine Möglichkeit zur Interaktion würde das Lernen noch spannender machen und die Studenten motivieren dranzubleiben.
Bruno Hunn
Ihr habt eine wunderbare Zusammenfassung aller relevanten Aspekte rund um das Wesen des Geldes geschaffen. Natürlich kann man diese Infos woanders mühsam selbst zusammensuchen, doch so konzentriert und in Kontext gesetzt wie bei euch findet man das nirgends. Zu wissen, ein gutes Produkt schön präsentiert zu erhalten, ist enorm motivierend.
Mareike Löchte
Es war spannend und informativ, ich war richtig enttäuscht, als ich nach dem 6. Video nicht weitermachen konnte. Ich glaube, dass der Inhalt des Kurses nicht so einfach gegoogelt werden können! Ich bin begeistert von der ersten Episode! Spannend und nicht zu mühsam zu verstehen, ich habe das nach langen Arbeitstagen geschaut, wenn die Kinder im Bett waren und habe es als spannend und unterhaltsam empfunden und wollte weiterschauen! Wie schon gesagt: man merkt, dass euch das Thema wichtig ist und ihr es spannend findet, das finde ich wichtig.
Leonie and Beni Isenegger
Die beiden Gründerinnen, Luba und Tonia lassen langjährige Bankerfahrung, sowie ihr grosses Wissen stark in die Ausbildung miteinfliessen und bieten einen einmaligen Blick hinter die Kulissen (der Finanzmärkte). Sie können komplexe Zusammenhänge verständlich erklären und lockern jede Session mit ihrer fröhlichen und zugänglichen Art auf. Jede Ausbildungseinheit hat bei uns neue Ideen und ein besseres Verständnis hinterlassen. Um mit gutem Gewissen und Grundkenntnissen zu investieren, ist uMushroom genau das richtige! Nebst der Education bieten sie auf ihrer Plattform verständlich aufbereitete Informationen an, welche (neuen) Anlegern:innen bei Entscheidung zu Investitionen helfen. Wir sind absolut begeistert von uMushroom und freuen uns über die weitere Zusammenarbeit.
You’re in the right place if...
You consider yourself a beginner in investing.
Our GROW program is also designed for people with little to no knowhow about investing. We will guide you each step of the way.
You want to start investing, but you have no time.
As part of the GROW program you are trained to efficiently find and consume relevant information. You are shown a clear path through the jungle of financial information.
You want to start investing to build your experience but you are afraid of losing money
With the UMushroom GROW program you are closely guided through the market cycles and you are offered a unique opportunity to directly apply your learnings on our platform.

What’s included

Your personal roadmap

  • Learn the concept of money and investing
  • Set goals and structure your wealth accordingly
  • Take informed investment decisions
  • Make investing your new and joyful habit
  • Understand how to deal with risk
  • Discover the right broker for your needs

The world of asset classes and investment instruments

  • Get familiar with the full range of asset classes
  • Understand the potential and risks of the asset classes
  • Discover how asset classes behave in different market environments
  • Learn about the different investment instruments
  • Understand which investments are best suited in a certain market environment
  • Get acquainted with the pros and cons of the different instruments

Your personal portfolio

  • Learn the concept of diversification
  • Implement the core-satellite approach for your portfolio
  • Maintain your portfolio successfully through market cycles
  • Integrate currencies a deciding factor in your portfolio
  • Get into the habit of investing
  • Realise that there are always investment opportunities

Your personal roadmap

  • Learn the concept of money and investing
  • Set goals and structure your wealth accordingly
  • Take informed investment decisions
  • Make investing your new and joyful habit
  • Understand how to deal with risk
  • Discover the right broker for your needs
Your personal roadmap

The world of asset classes and investment instruments

  • Get familiar with the full range of asset classes
  • Understand the potential and risks of the asset classes
  • Discover how asset classes behave in different market environments
  • Learn about the different investment instruments
  • Understand which investments are best suited in a certain market environment
  • Get acquainted with the pros and cons of the different instruments
The world of asset classes and investment instruments

Your personal portfolio

  • Learn the concept of diversification
  • Implement the core-satellite approach for your portfolio
  • Maintain your portfolio successfully through market cycles
  • Integrate currencies a deciding factor in your portfolio
  • Get into the habit of investing
  • Realise that there are always investment opportunities
Your personal portfolio
Program founded by
Meet your instructors
Meet Luba Schoenig and Tonia Zimmermann, two banking executives with more than two decades of investment and private banking experience, on a mission to change the financial world.

Working with everyday clients has opened their eyes to what is missing in the industry, a confident client empowered to make the right financial decisions, which is why they created the UMushroom Growth.

They know the banking industry inside out and have a plethora of knowledge they accumulated working at topnames like Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan,Julius Baer and Credit Suisse.
Our great partners
Access to platform
Access to platform
The best way to learn is by doing. You get to learn the theory and you can immediately apply it directly on our platform.
At the end you will receive a certificate of participation and access to the Alumni Network
Live Q&A
Live Q&A
You get to ask your questions to/of the financial experts. Don’t miss your chance to profit from their experience!
Join UMushroom Growth to get instant access to:
  • Access to the Video Library with new weekly updates
  • Additional reading material
  • Portfolio builder
  • Weekly webinars
  • Weekly live FAQ call
  • We are your sparring partner
  • Exclusive content on UMushroom (model portfolios, market information, etc.)
  • Course manual and Worksheets

paid annually excl. VAT

Have a question?
How does UMushroom Grow work?
If you have a monthly subscription to our educational plan, you will be granted access to the monthly Grow course within the program. If you have an annual subscription plan, you will be granted access to all  courses within the program. You can watch them at your own pace, from whichever device you prefer.

Who is UMushroom Grow for?
For anyone who desires to master the fundamentals of the financial world. Our courses cover everything an investor needs, from the right mindset to the pros and cons of each asset class, so you can develop your best portfolio so far!

Are there any requirements to start UMushroom Grow?
Only the desire to learn and an open mind. Everything else will be provided by us :)

How long will it take to go through the course?
This is entirely up to you. Courses are immediately available to you upon subscribing to the educational plan.  Some people like to learn in bite-size chunks, and some prefer to watch a whole module in one sitting. Use whichever method works for you. We would recommend taking small breaks and going through all the quizzes.

Will this be helpful to advance / professional investors?
As banking executives, we met many professionals in the industry with many years of experience that wished a program like ours was available to them. Even the most advanced professionals benefit from a new perspective on the world of finance.