Algebris UCITS Funds plc - Algebris Strategic Credit Fund Rd EUR Inc
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General Objective
The fund has a sustainable investment objective to make a positive impact on worldwide environmental sustainability and social standards. It seeks to generate an attractive level of income and positive risk-adjusted returns in the medium-to-long term and is actively managed without reference to any benchmark.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a diverse range of asset classes, with a significant allocation to high yield bonds and issuers. It also has exposure to various sectors, including utilities, banks, telecom services, and others. Geographically, the fund has exposure to the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, and other regions.
Investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in this fund, including credit risk, interest rate risk, and market risk. Additionally, there may be risks related to the sustainability and social impact objectives of the fund, as well as risks associated with currency exposure.