Amundi Ethik Fonds Evolution T
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General Objective
The Amundi Ethik Fonds Evolution aims to maximize returns while adhering to a dynamic risk budget. The fund follows an active investment strategy and integrates sustainability factors into its investment process.
Fund Exposure
The fund manager uses a combination of market data and fundamental analysis to identify stocks with long-term growth potential. The fund applies strict exclusion rules on certain industries and sectors to select ESG securities. The fund's investment universe is reduced by at least 50% due to the exclusion of securities with lower ESG ratings.
The fund's asset allocation (between stocks and bonds on one side and money market instruments and bank deposits on the other side) can fluctuate between 0% and 100% of the fund's assets based on a risk management model. Derivative instruments can be used as part of the investment strategy, up to 34% of the fund's assets, for both investment and hedging purposes.