Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Fund I Z Inc
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General Objective
The aim of the Fund is to grow investment through a combination of income and capital growth over the medium to long term (5 or more years) and to keep the fund within a designated risk profile. This Fund is aligned to risk profile 1, the lowest risk profile in the range, which means that it aims to deliver income and capital growth through assets that demonstrate moderate price fluctuations, with greater emphasis placed on fixed income securities and lower exposure to equities.
Fund Exposure
The Fund will be invested in collective investment schemes, including global equities (15% to 50%), global fixed income securities (such as government, corporate, high yield, and emerging market bonds), and some indirect exposure to real estate and commodities. Up to 10% may be invested directly in cash, near cash, and money market instruments. The Investment Manager may adjust the exposure level to global equities during periods of market instability.
The Fund's risk level is managed by varying the weightings of the asset classes to which the Fund is exposed. The Fund may use derivatives for Efficient Portfolio Management. Income from investments will be added to the value of shares. The Fund may be subject to market fluctuations and risks associated with the asset classes it is exposed to.