Embracing Change: Our Community is Going German!

Discover Why We're Switching to German as Our Primary Language and What It Means for You

Embracing Change: Our Community is Going German!

 As our community grows and evolves, we are making a significant change to better connect with our audience. From now on, our primary language for communication will be German! 

We believe that this shift will allow us to engage more deeply with our German-speaking followers and create a more inclusive and vibrant community. However, we have not forgotten about our loyal non-native German speakers. Rest assured, we will continue to provide regular updates and content in English to keep everyone informed and involved. 

This change marks a new chapter for us, and we are excited about the opportunities it brings. We appreciate your understanding and support as we embark on this new journey together. 

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for being part of our community! 


Warm regards, 


Your Team UMushroom 

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