Our Financial Resolutions for the New Year – Behind the Scenes

As the new year approaches, setting resolutions like spending less time on social media, eating healthier, or exercising more is common. At UMushroom, our team has decided to focus on financial resolutions for the upcoming year. Here's a glimpse into our personal finance goals:
Eric: Diversify Investments
Our crypto enthusiast, Eric, plans to deepen his knowledge in the crypto space. However, practicality prevails, and he aims to diversify his portfolio by strongly emphasizing dividend-paying investments—a topic we frequently discuss at UMushroom.
Laura: Take Action Now
Laura, our COO, has resolved to stop procrastinating. No more excuses like “I'll start next Monday” or “when I have time.” She's starting now, recognizing that there's never a perfect moment. Laura intends to continue using the UMushroom platform to identify suitable and cost-effective investments for herself.
Lea: Stay Cool
Lea is keeping things cool in 2025. While our marketing chief is a whirlwind of activity in the office, always tackling tasks from all angles, she’s decided her investment portfolio should do the work without her constant attention. How does she manage that? “With my Lazy Portfolio,” she says.
Curious about her approach and the self-imposed rules she follows? You can check it all out on UMushroom. Personally, I’m already following her portfolio.
Lou: Budget More Responsibly
Our Chief of Vibes, Lou, has made it her mission to get better at budgeting. She’s focused on giving her expenses a clear structure, so she can set a personal savings rate that works for her. Her next goal? Making sure she can invest regularly by managing her finances in a smart, intentional way.
Luba: Hunting Down Bad Apples
Luba, one of UMushroom's co-founders and our resident altruist, is continuing her mission in 2025 to uncover the bad apples hidden in the portfolios of UMushroom's Grow subscribers. Just yesterday, she stumbled upon another one.
“An 'active' investment fund that claimed to aim for returns above a customized benchmark. In reality, this fund had been underperforming the market for years while charging sky-high management fees. The client could have easily purchased the fund's main holdings herself for a fraction of the cost,” Luba explains, visibly frustrated about the fact that such investments are recommended by banks and remain unaddressed for years.
Tonia: Trade Crypto Independently
Tonia, our other co-founder, plans to trade cryptocurrencies through her own wallet rather than her bank, embracing the principle: “Not your keys, not your coins.” —something our crypto enthusiast Eric recently explained to our Grow subscribers during a call. We’ll be diving deeper into the concept of cold wallets in an upcoming article, so stay tuned!
What are your financial resolutions for the new year? Share them in the comments below!