Chainlink (LINK) is a Decentralised Networks crypto token. Chainlink was founded on 2017-09-20 on the ETHEREUM ecosystem. More information can be found at
Key Technical Advantages:
Chainlink 2.0: Introduces a new architecture for building hybrid smart contracts, which utilize Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs) to provide secure off-chain computation and access to external data for smart contracts.
Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs): A collection of nodes that transfer data bidirectionally and perform decentralized off-chain computation using various consensus protocols, offering a universal, blockchain-agnostic gateway for smart contracts.
Hybrid Smart Contracts: Combines existing on-chain code with critical off-chain computations provided by DONs, enabling decentralized applications to achieve better scalability and confidentiality, supporting larger-scale blockchain adoption.
Enhanced Chainlink Services: The improvements brought by DONs enable advanced decentralized services, such as Enhanced Data Feeds, Enhanced Chainlink VRF, Chainlink Automation, Chainlink Fair Sequencing Services, and Chainlink Decentralized Identity.
Super-linear Staking: A new cryptoeconomic security mechanism introduced in Chainlink 2.0, requiring an attacker to have resources quadratically greater than the combined security deposits of all DON nodes to succeed, increasing network security.
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