Franklin MSCI Emerging Markets Paris Aligned Climate UCITS ETF
ISIN IE000QLV3SY5 / Valor 11837483
NAV (2024-12-31)
USD 27.57-0.40%
Franklin MSCI Emerging Markets Paris Aligned Climate UCITS ETF
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General Objective
The fund Multi-Factor fund provides exposure to large and mid-capitalization stocks in emerging market countries that are aligned with the transition to a low carbon economy. The fund is classified as Article 8 under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.
Fund Exposure
The fund seeks to track the performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Paris Aligned Net Total Return Index, which includes large and mid-capitalization securities across 27 emerging markets countries. It is designed to support investors looking to reduce exposure to climate risks and capitalize on opportunities in a lower-carbon economy while aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement.
The fund does not offer any capital guarantee or protection, and investors may not receive their initial investment back. Additionally, changes in exchange rates could impact the overall return of the fund.