HSBC MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF
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General Objective
The Fund aims to closely track the returns of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index by investing in or gaining exposure to shares of companies within the Index.
Fund Exposure
The Fund primarily invests in large and mid-cap companies of emerging market countries, as determined by the Index Provider. It utilizes an optimisation technique to minimize the difference in return between the Fund and the Index, taking into account tracking error and trading costs when constructing the portfolio. The Fund may also invest in companies outside the Index that are expected to provide similar performance and risk characteristics.
Investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in emerging markets, including currency risk, political risk, and liquidity risk. Additionally, the Fund may use derivatives and engage in securities lending transactions, which can introduce additional risks. It is important for investors to consider their investment horizon and risk tolerance before investing in this Fund.