UBS ETF (CH) – Platinum (USD) A-dis
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General Objective
The fund aims to reflect the performance of platinum after the deduction of costs, by investing in physical platinum in the form of standard bars stored in a high-security vault in Switzerland. The fund is passively managed.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to the performance of platinum through physical replication of standard bars meeting the requirements for "good delivery" set by the LPPM, with a weight between 1 kg and 6 kg and a purity of at least 999.5/1000. The fund offers clients access to the performance of platinum with a single transaction and the right to redeem physical platinum.
Investors in this fund may be subject to considerable fluctuations in the value of platinum, as the fund is concentrated in this asset class. The lack of risk diversification and the passive management approach may expose investors to potential losses that could be avoided through active management strategies. Additionally, sustainability risks are not systematically integrated into the index selection process for this fund.