The general objective of this fund is to replicate the price and yield performance of the SBI® ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 Total Return Index. This fund invests physically in bonds of the SBI® ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 Total Return Index, which is composed of Swiss franc bonds from foreign issuers rated AAA-BBB in government bonds, bonds issued by supranational organizations, and corporate bonds.
Fund Exposure
The fund exposure includes Swiss franc bonds from foreign issuers rated AAA-BBB in government bonds, bonds issued by supranational organizations, and corporate bonds. The fund is passively managed and aims to achieve its objective through physical stratified sampling.
Investors should be aware that this fund primarily invests in bonds issued by prime foreign borrowers denominated in CHF, which are included in the relevant SBI Foreign sub-index. The fund's assets are passively managed, and losses that could be avoided via active management will not be offset. All investments are subject to market fluctuations, and specific risks may increase under unusual market conditions.