WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF
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General Objective
The fund aims to track the price and yield performance of the WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS Index Euro, which is comprised of small-capitalization dividend-paying companies from Europe.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to equities in the small-cap segment of European companies, with a focus on sectors such as industrials, real estate, energy, and financials. It follows a rules-based, fundamentally weighted approach, with companies selected based on quality and momentum scores, as well as meeting ESG criteria.
Investors should be aware that dividend-weighted indices may perform differently from market capitalization-weighted indices. Additionally, investments in equities may experience high volatility and should be considered as longer-term investments. There is also a risk of concentration in specific sectors, countries, companies, or currencies. Further risks are disclosed in the KID/KIID and Prospectus.