Xtrackers FTSE 100 Income UCITS ETF 1D
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General Objective
The fund aims to passively track the performance of the FTSE 100 Index, which consists of the largest 100 UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The index is designed to reflect the performance of these companies based on the value of their shares.
Fund Exposure
In order to achieve its objective, the fund will invest in a substantial number of securities included in the FTSE 100 Index. The fund may use techniques such as derivatives to manage risk, reduce costs, and improve results. Additionally, the fund may engage in secured lending of its investments to generate additional income.
The fund is classified in category 6, indicating a higher risk profile due to potential fluctuations in share price and the likelihood of both losses and gains being high. While the fund aims to replicate the index performance, exceptional circumstances such as disruptive market conditions may cause the fund's performance to deviate significantly from the index. Additionally, the use of derivatives may result in greater fluctuations in the fund's value.