Xtrackers MSCI Global SDGs UCITS ETF 1C USD
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General Objective
The fund provides diversified exposure to global equities and focuses on companies associated with a positive contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Fund Exposure
The fund invests in large, medium, and small-capitalization companies across developed and emerging markets that meet certain ESG criteria. It aims to reflect the performance of companies associated with the SDGs and includes securities that meet revenue and sector thresholds.
Investors should be aware that the fund is exposed to currency markets, which can be highly volatile, leading to potential large price swings and losses. Additionally, investing in less economically developed economies (emerging markets) involves greater risks such as political unrest and economic downturns that can impact the value of the investment. Furthermore, investing in small and mid-capitalization companies may result in less liquidity and increased price volatility, affecting the value of the investment.