Amundi Select Europe Stock VA
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General Objective
The Amundi Select Europe Stock aims to achieve long-term capital growth with appropriate risk diversification. It follows an active investment strategy and seeks to outperform the 100% MSCI EUROPE VALUE NR Close index.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily invested in European equities, with at least 66% of the fund's assets allocated to selected European companies. It may also invest in European corporate bonds (including subordinated bonds, hybrid bonds, or perpetual bonds) up to 10% of the fund's assets. Additionally, up to 10% of the fund's assets can be invested in shares of other investment funds. Derivative instruments can be used for both investment and hedging purposes, up to 34% of the fund's assets.
Investors should be aware that the fund's risk is measured against the 100% MSCI EUROPE VALUE NR Close index, and the deviation from this benchmark can be significant. The use of derivative instruments in the investment strategy may temporarily increase the risk related to the fund's assets. Additionally, investors looking to withdraw their investment within a 7-year timeframe may find this fund unsuitable.