BlackRock Global Funds - China Fund A2 AUD Hedged
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General Objective
The fund aims to maximize the return on investment through a combination of capital growth and income on the fund's assets, investing in equity securities of companies domiciled in or primarily operating in the People's Republic of China, while adhering to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to equity securities, with at least 70% of its total assets invested in companies based in China. The fund follows an ESG policy disclosed in the prospectus, focusing on companies that align with ESG criteria. The fund is constrained by the MSCI Emerging Markets China 10/40 Index.
Risks associated with the fund include exposure to smaller companies with greater price variations, sensitivity to economic and political conditions in emerging markets, liquidity risk, currency risk due to investments in other currencies, and concentration risk in specific sectors, countries, or companies. Additionally, the fund may be exposed to counterparty risk and may face challenges related to ESG screening affecting the investment universe.