BNP Paribas Funds USD Money Market Classic C
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General Objective
The fund belongs to the category of money market funds and seeks to maintain the value of its assets by investing in USD-denominated, high-quality money market instruments with a maximum final legal maturity of 2 years. The fund is not a guaranteed product and has no currency exposure other than to the USD.
Fund Exposure
The fund is actively managed against the Cash Index USD LIBID 3 Months (RI) and primarily invests in one- to three-month, fixed-rate negotiable debt securities. It focuses on USD-denominated, high-quality money market instruments to achieve its objective of maintaining asset value.
Investments in the fund are subject to market fluctuations and the inherent risks of investing in securities. The value of investments and the income they generate may go down as well as up, with the possibility that investors may not recover their initial outlay. The fund is at risk of capital loss due to market volatility.