Candriam Bonds Emerging Markets Class L USD Cap
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in bonds and other debt securities denominated primarily in developed countries' currencies, as well as in local currencies issued by private issuers, public entities, and semi-public issuers operating in emerging countries. The fund seeks to outperform the benchmark index through discretionary investment choices based on economic and financial analyses.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to USD denominated emerging market sovereign and quasi-sovereign bonds, with a diversification scheme that allows for more equal weightings between countries in the index. The fund is actively managed and does not aim to invest in all components of the index, resulting in a significant expected tracking error above 2.5%. The fund may also use derivative products for both investment and hedging purposes.
Investors should be aware of several risks associated with this fund, including credit risk from potential issuer defaults, counterparty risk from OTC derivative products, risks related to financial derivative instruments and emerging countries, liquidity risk from less liquid securities, and sustainability risk related to environmental, social, and governance factors. These risks may impact the fund's performance and the ability to sell assets quickly at reasonable prices.