Candriam Bonds Global High Yield Class C EUR Cap
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in bonds and other debt securities with a high issuer or issue rating, as well as derivatives of issuers of the same quality. The management team makes discretionary investment choices based on economic/financial analyses to outperform the benchmark index.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to below investment-grade non-financial corporate bonds denominated in USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR, with issuer exposure capped at 2%. The investment strategy includes the analysis of ESG aspects in the selection, analysis, and global evaluation of companies. The fund may also exclude investments in companies that do not respect certain recognized international standards and principles or are significantly exposed to controversial activities.
Investors should be aware that this fund may not be suitable for those planning to withdraw their capital within 3 years. Additionally, since the fund is actively managed, deviations from the benchmark index may occur, with a moderate to significant expected tracking error of between 0.75% and 3% in normal market conditions.