Candriam Sustainable Equity US CH EUR Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in shares of companies with their registered office and/or principal activities in the United States of America, while also seeking to outperform the benchmark.
Fund Exposure
The fund focuses on investing in an eligible Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) universe defined using Candriam’s proprietary analysis. The portfolio is constructed based on financial company fundamentals, ESG factors, and risk metrics using a quantitative investment framework. The fund aims to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, have a positive impact on environment and social objectives, and achieve overall greenhouse gas emissions at least 30% lower than those of the benchmark.
The fund may avoid certain issuers due to poor ESG quality or contribution to sustainability objectives, which could potentially lead to underperformance in the short term due to market volatility and trends. Additionally, the hedged share class aims to reduce the effect of exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the sub-fund USD and EUR, but does not completely eliminate currency risk.