CFP Castlefield Real Return Fund G Income
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General Objective
The Fund aims to generate a positive annualised real return over a rolling 3 year basis, with real return defined as a return over UK CPI over a rolling 3 year time horizon. However, there is no guarantee that this objective will be achieved over any specific time period.
Fund Exposure
The Fund will invest in a variety of asset classes including transferable securities, units and/or shares in other collective investment schemes, structured products, deposits, warrants, fixed interest securities, money market instruments, and cash and near cash. It may also invest in derivatives and forward transactions for investment purposes as well as for efficient portfolio management.
Investors should be aware that there is always a risk of loss to their original capital when investing in the Fund. Additionally, the Fund may use derivatives for investment purposes and for efficient portfolio management, with investors being given 60 days' notice prior to their use.