Cleome Index World Equities R EUR Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in shares of companies with registered offices and/or principal activities worldwide. The management team seeks to replicate the performance of the benchmark through a sample of securities selected with the aid of a mathematical model.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a wide range of asset classes, sectors, and geographies in order to achieve its objective of capital growth. It primarily invests in transferable securities to replicate the benchmark (MSCI World) with a limited tracking error ex-post. The fund also considers environmental and/or social characteristics in its investment decisions, although it does not have a sustainable investment objective.
Investors should be aware that this fund may not be suitable for those planning to withdraw their capital within 6 years. Additionally, the fund may use derivative products for both investment and hedging purposes, which can introduce additional risks related to market fluctuations and hedging against unfavourable financial events.