Close Tactical Select Passive Growth Fund I Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to generate capital growth over the medium term, with a focus on achieving this goal over a period of more than 5 years.
Fund Exposure
The fund's portfolio consists of a mix of equities and fixed interest securities, primarily invested through passively managed collective investment schemes and exchange traded funds. The allocation to equities will typically not fall below 60%, with exposure to companies worldwide, across various sectors and market capitalizations. The fixed interest component may include government and corporate bonds, including emerging market and high yield bonds. Additionally, the fund may invest in other transferable securities, money market instruments, and alternative asset classes such as commodities, hedge funds, infrastructure, property, and convertibles.
Investors should be aware that the fund may experience fluctuations in value due to market conditions and the strategic asset allocation model employed by the manager. Additionally, the use of derivatives and currency hedges for investment purposes may introduce additional risks. It is important to note that the fund is designed for long-term investment and may not be suitable for those planning to withdraw their money in the short to medium term, specifically within a 5-year timeframe.