CT MM Lifestyle 4 Fund D Acc
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General Objective
The Fund aims to deliver capital growth with some income over the long term (at least 5 years) by investing at least 70% in collective investment schemes to obtain exposure to a wide range of asset classes.
Fund Exposure
The Fund's exposure is divided between shares and bonds, with share exposure to UK and global shares, and bond exposure to UK corporate and government bonds, as well as global corporate, high yield, and emerging market bonds. The remaining exposure includes property and cash, with the flexibility to invest in other transferable securities, collective investment schemes, money market instruments, deposits, cash, and near cash.
The Fund's Risk and Reward Indicator table demonstrates its potential risk and reward, with a higher rank indicating greater potential reward but also a greater risk of losing money. It is based on past data and may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the Fund.