DJE - Multi Asset & Trends XP (EUR)
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General Objective
The fund is a global, dynamic, multi-asset fund that aims to generate attractive performance by investing in approximately 50 to 70 equities and between 20 to 40 bonds independently from any benchmark. The fund management follows a thematic approach to benefit from current and long-term trends, focusing on digital transformation, demographics & health, and clean technologies.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily exposed to stocks, bonds, certificates, and cash, with a significant allocation to equities (67.81%) and bonds (22.77%). Geographically, the fund has a strong focus on the United States (46.92%) and Germany (10.94%). Additionally, the fund invests up to 10% of the portfolio in gold to achieve additional diversification.
The fund's risk measures include a standard deviation of 7.60% over 2 years, a value at risk of -4.50% at a 99% confidence level over 20 days, and a maximum drawdown of -6.71% over 1 year. Investors should consider these risk measures and the fund's suitability for medium to long-term investment horizons when making investment decisions.