DWS Invest ESG Floating Rate Notes LC
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General Objective
The general objective of this fund is to achieve a return in Euros by investing in floating rate notes, with at least 70% of the fund allocated to this asset class. Additionally, the fund aims to invest at least 10% in assets with a remaining term of more than 24 months and up to 5% in securities that do not have an investment grade rating at the time of purchase. The investment universe is defined by environmental and social aspects and principles of good corporate governance.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily exposed to bonds, with 82.1% allocated to this asset class. The breakdown by currency shows that the fund is heavily invested in Euro-denominated assets, with 99.7% of the fund volume in Euros. The fund also has exposure to other currencies such as the US dollar. In terms of credit rating, the fund holds a significant portion in A-rated bonds, with 62.7% of bond holdings falling into this category.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include interest rate risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. Given the fund's exposure to floating rate notes and assets with varying credit ratings, fluctuations in interest rates and credit quality could impact the fund's performance. Additionally, the fund may face liquidity challenges, especially in times of market stress, which could affect the fund's ability to meet redemption requests.