Fidelity Corporate Bond Master Fund Acc GBP
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide an attractive level of income through primarily investing in Sterling denominated and hedged back to Sterling fixed interest instruments. Derivatives will be used to adjust interest rate risk in the fund in the range of 5 to 10 years duration.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a mix of bonds issued by governments, companies, and other bodies, with the possibility of investing in bonds issued in currencies other than the fund’s denominated currency. It may also invest in cash and near cash, while utilizing derivatives such as currency forward contracts to hedge exposure to currencies.
Investors should be aware that the fund may use derivatives to achieve its objective, potentially resulting in leverage that could expose the fund to greater gains or losses. Additionally, the fund's discretion in choosing investments within its objectives and policies may introduce additional risks. It is important to note that this fund may not be suitable for investors planning to sell their shares within 5 years, as it is intended for long-term investment purposes.