Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund I-Acc-GBP
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth with a low level of expected income. It focuses on investing in companies worldwide that will benefit significantly from technological advances and improvements in products, processes, or services.
Fund Exposure
The fund is characterized by investing at least 70% in shares of companies across the world that are poised to benefit from technological advancements. It has the flexibility to invest outside its principal geographies, market sectors, industries, or asset classes. The fund may also use derivatives to achieve exposure indirectly and has the discretion to choose investments within its objectives and policies.
Investing in this fund carries the risk of fluctuations in the value of investments and potential losses. The use of financial derivative instruments within the fund may result in increased gains or losses. Additionally, the fund's specific industry targeting can make it more volatile compared to funds with more diversified portfolios.