Fidelity MoneyBuilder Dividend Fund A Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to increase the value of your investment over a period of 5 years or more and pay you an income that is at least 10% more than the income produced by the companies included in the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index.
Fund Exposure
The fund will invest at least 70% in UK companies, with the companies being either listed, incorporated, domiciled, or have significant business activities in the region. The remainder will be invested in companies outside the UK and in other investment types such as cash and derivatives. The fund is actively managed without reference to a benchmark.
As the fund aims to generate an income, some charges will be taken from the fund rather than the income generated by the fund. This means the amount payable as income may be increased and the potential to increase the value of your investment may be reduced. Shares can usually be bought and sold each business day of the fund.