FISCH Bond EM Corporates Defensive Fund RE
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General Objective
The fund aims to outperform the JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified IG Index, currency hedged against the share class currency, by investing in investment grade hard currency corporate bonds from emerging markets over a market cycle, net of expenses.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to global emerging market corporate bonds with investment grade ratings, focusing on hard currencies. The investment strategy includes six alpha sources: Macroeconomic Framework, Market Technique, Country Allocation, Fundamental Analysis, Relative Value, and Sector Allocation.
Risks associated with this fund include investments in emerging markets which are subject to greater legal, economic, and political risks. The use of derivatives can generate additional risks, including counterparty risk. An increase in interest rates and widening of credit spreads can lead to a decline in bond prices, potentially causing unit prices to fall below the level at which the investor acquired their holding.