Goldman Sachs Europe Equity Income - N Dis EUR
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General Objective
The fund aims to invest in companies listed on stock exchanges in Europe that offer attractive and sustainable dividends. Using active management, the fund targets companies that pay dividends, with sector and country overweight limits maintained relative to the benchmark. The goal is to outperform the benchmark MSCI Europe NR over a period of several years.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily exposed to European equities, with a focus on companies that offer high dividends. The stock selection process is driven by fundamental analysis and includes the integration of ESG factors. The fund's stock-level composition deviates significantly from the benchmark, and it may also include investments in securities that are not part of the benchmark universe.
The fund is categorized as high risk due to the behavior of the product during the measuring period. Market risk associated with stocks used to reach the investment objective is considered high, as stocks are impacted by various factors such as financial market development, economic conditions, and political situations. Liquidity risk is set to low, but there is no guarantee of the recovery of the initial investment. Historical data used for risk calculations may not accurately reflect future risk profiles, and risk indicators may shift over time.