Groupama Global Disruption EC
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General Objective
The fund aims to actively manage and outperform the MSCI World index (net dividends reinvested) by selecting innovative and growing companies. The majority of the fund's holdings will be components of the benchmark index, but the manager has the discretion to deviate significantly from the index weighting to capitalize on specific investment opportunities.
Fund Exposure
The fund will primarily invest in international equity markets, with a minimum of 75% exposure to equities. It will focus on companies of all market capitalizations in the MSCI World regions. The fund may also use derivative instruments to enhance performance, with a limited impact on both performance and risk. Additionally, the fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in representative certificates such as Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) and American Depositary Receipts (ADRs).
While the use of derivative instruments is limited and aimed at optimizing performance, there is a possibility of significant deviation from the MSCI World index, which may limit the fund's ability to outperform the index. Additionally, the fund may invest in other collective investment schemes, but not exceeding 10% of its net assets, with a focus on those managed by Groupama Asset Management.