Groupama Ultra Short Term E1C
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve a return higher than the Ester capitalized index net of management fees over rolling six-month periods. This objective is pursued through a sustainable management approach focusing on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) characteristics of the securities held in the portfolio. In case of very low market interest rates, the fund's return may not cover management fees, leading to a structural decrease in its net asset value.
Fund Exposure
In order to achieve its management objective, the fund adopts an active management style to outperform its benchmark net of management fees over rolling six-month periods. The fund's performance sources include credit sensitivity, interest rate sensitivity, geographical allocation, and an ESG Best-in-universe approach for issuer selection based on environmental, social, and governance criteria. The fund's investments primarily consist of money market and bond instruments, with a focus on maintaining an annualized volatility below 0.50%.
The fund may be exposed to risks related to credit, interest rates, and currency fluctuations through investments in derivatives traded on regulated markets. Additionally, the fund may engage in temporary securities transactions and, under exceptional circumstances, borrow cash. Investors should be aware of the potential risks associated with the fund's investment strategies and market conditions.