Guinness Sustainable Energy Y USD Accumulation
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General Objective
The fund aims to benefit from opportunities associated with the transition to a sustainable energy system over the long term. It believes that the sustainable energy sector will experience strong demand growth and improving economics of renewable energy supply, supported by public and private investments in low carbon technologies.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily exposed to companies in the solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biofuels, biomass, and energy efficiency sectors. It invests at least 80% in companies involved in sustainable energy or energy technology sectors, with a concentrated, typically equally-weighted portfolio of 30 positions. The majority of the fund is invested in stocks over $500m in size.
As an equity fund, investors should be willing and able to assume the risks of equity investing. The fund's performance is susceptible to the sustainable energy and energy technology sectors, making it potentially volatile. The value of investments can fluctuate due to market and currency movements, and there is a risk of not getting back the amount originally invested. Additional risk factors are detailed in the fund's documentation available on the website.