Halifax UK Equity Income Fund F
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide income, along with potential capital growth, by investing in shares of companies that are part of the FTSE All-Share Index. The goal is to deliver an income of 110% of the dividend yield of the Index on a rolling 3-year basis and outperform the Index by 1.25% per annum on a rolling 3-year basis.
Fund Exposure
At least 80% of the fund will invest in companies that are part of the Index, with a focus on companies incorporated, domiciled, or having a significant part of their business in the UK. The fund seeks to hold more in companies with higher than average dividend yields and potential for long-term capital growth. It aims to hold more in sectors expected to provide a higher than average dividend yield, while maintaining a balance between asset spread and risk management.
Investors should aim to hold their investment in the fund for the medium to long term (at least five to ten years). The fund may use derivatives and stock lending for efficient portfolio management, which could help reduce risk or generate extra income or growth. The fund's performance may differ from the Index, and there are share classes where fees exceed the outperformance target relative to the Index, potentially leading to underperformance after deduction of fees.