HI-Sustainable Multi-Faktor Aktien Euroland-Fonds
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General Objective
The HI-Sustainable Multi-Factor Equity Eurozone Fund aims to allow investors to participate in the stock market development of the Eurozone and generate added value through stock selection. The fund is focused on Eurozone stocks to avoid currency risks for Euro investors.
Fund Exposure
The fund selects stocks using a quantitative model based on factors such as valuation, momentum, etc. The portfolio is weighted based on the size of the stocks, and a filter ensures that only stocks meeting internal ESG criteria are included. The fund does not track a benchmark index as the allocation/selection is not comparable to an index.
The fund's returns are distributed and may vary from year to year. While investors can request redemption of shares on a daily basis, Helaba Invest may suspend redemptions in exceptional circumstances to protect investor interests. This fund may not be suitable for investors looking to withdraw their money within a 3-year timeframe.