Kepler Liquid Strategies ICAV - KLS Ionic Relative Value Arbitrage Fund Class I CHF Accumulation
ISIN IE00BLR66H64 / Valor null
NAV (2024-03-28)
CHF 78.55-0.02%
Kepler Liquid Strategies ICAV - KLS Ionic Relative Value Arbitrage Fund Class I CHF Accumulation
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General Objective
The KLS Ionic Relative Value Arbitrage Fund aims to identify and exploit arbitrage opportunities across multiple asset classes, focusing on four core arbitrage strategies to achieve a non-correlated return profile relative to traditional asset classes. The flexible mandate allows the fund to capitalize on market dislocations and generate additional alpha.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to Convertible Arbitrage, Equity Arbitrage, Volatility Arbitrage, and Credit Arbitrage strategies. It maintains balanced positions in U.S. convertibles, Japanese convertibles, and interest rate volatility trading, while also focusing on closed-end funds, event-driven exposure, and equity index correlation trades.
The KLS Ionic Relative Value Arbitrage Fund faces risks associated with market volatility, credit spread tightening, interest rate movements, and equity market fluctuations. The fund's exposure to various arbitrage strategies may result in losses during periods of broad market declines or volatility spikes.